Expertise & Technology

discussion microscope

Image Acquisition

A broad range of techniques is present in the portfolio, covering macrososcopic imaging, confocal techniques, super resolution and electron microscopy. There is know-how on a diverse set of applications, including live cell and functional imaging techniques (FRET, FLIM, FRAP). The Bioimaging Core also facilities several CLEM workflows and since the core is equipped with volume EM techniques, like Serial Block-face EM and Focussed Ion Beam SEM, 3D CLEM can be performed.



Image Reconstruction and Analysis

All core staff members are trained to support you with general image processing and reconstruction applications. The team also has image analysis experts who can design and develop tailored image analysis pipelines for your specific question. Access to free-ware and commercial analysis software is available at the core.


Training in Microscopy

The members of our team have excellent didactical skills. Several trainings are offered, going from theoretical to hands-on training for image acquisition and analysis. For access to our instrument park, you obtain a one-to-one training for each application you need for your research.


Experimental Design

Most of the Bioimaging Core team members have a background in Life Science research. Besides our expertise in technology, we are therefore also strong in translating your biological question into an imaging experiment. Come to us before planning your project or experiment and we can help you design the experimental setup.

More information on our services and devices? Go to Core Connect!